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EU Taxonomy: expanding beyond carbon

A consideration of nature-related risks

Created by South Pole

Created by South Pole

The urgency to address global biodiversity loss, especially in the context of the EU Taxonomy, has reached a critical juncture, demanding swift and comprehensive action on both national and international fronts. Historically, climate change and biodiversity have been treated as separate concerns, but a paradigm shift is required to recognize their intrinsic connection. In our whitepaper, we delve into the pressing need to address these challenges concurrently, emphasizing that the solution lies in a unified approach.


EU taxonomy: a classification system

The EU Taxonomy, a groundbreaking classification system, establishes clear criteria for defining environmentally sustainable economic activities. Importantly, these criteria encompass not only climate change mitigation and adaptation but also biodiversity conservation and protection.

Regulatory Landscape and Financial Initiatives

As biodiversity takes center stage, regulatory requirements are surging alongside financial initiatives. The increasing focus on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations in investment and lending decisions aligns with a surge in regulatory requirements for financial market participants. In the European Union, sustainable finance is not just a trend; it’s a cornerstone of the European Green Deal, aligning with the EU’s vision for responsible and impactful finance (European Commission (1), European Commission (2)).


EU Taxonomy: Navigating Sustainable Finance

Our whitepaper explores the EU Taxonomy as a pivotal tool within the sustainable finance landscape. Dive deep into the EU Taxonomy, a game-changing framework that empowers organizations to understand and optimize their impact on biodiversity and nature. It’s your roadmap to achieving economic growth without compromising our planet’s health. 


🌿 Download our new whitepaper, “EU Taxonomy: expanding beyond carbon. A consideration of nature-related risks ” to learn more about:

  • The alarming statistics behind biodiversity loss and its economic consequences.
  • The critical role of the EU Taxonomy in promoting biodiversity-positive investments.
  • Practical steps financial institutions can take to align their activities with the EU Taxonomy’s biodiversity criteria.
  • Emerging trends and regulations shaping the future of sustainable finance and biodiversity.

Download the whitepaper created by South Pole below.

Download the whitepaper


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