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Securitisation Event
The no. 1 event to meet the Dutch securitisation market
With EU’s 2024 Securitisation Consultation, there are high expectations on a more strengthen market transparency and investor confidence and an exponential growth for 2025! But what are regulators point of view on the impact of the consultation and the new regulations in Securitisation? What are the new asset classes transactions? Why is SRT growing so fast and what is expected from SRT next year?
With an emphasis on regulatory shifts, economic developments, and new market opportunities, the 20th edition of the Securitisation Event provides an answer to these questions and a unique platform for professionals to engage with thought leaders, policymakers, and peers. This year’s focus will bring the latest updates on the regulations and EU consultation, Synthetic Securitisation, Economic and Political Dynamics, and the challenges around Green Securitisation.
- March 25th, 2025
- Barbizon Palace, Amsterdam
Speakers line-up
Alexander Batchvarov
Managing Director, Global Research
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Alexander Batchvarov currently heads International Structured Finance Research at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research, encompassing securitisation, residential and commercial real estate financing, property derivatives, covered bonds, CDOs and consumer credit in EMEA, APAC and Lat Am. He has held this position since Oct 1998, and has also served as a Head and a Co-Head of Global Mortgages and other Structured Finance between 2007 and 2010.
Mr. Batchvarov joined Merrill Lynch in 1998, he initiated and built up the research coverage for mortgages and other structured finance consecutively in Europe, Australia, Japan and the emerging markets in Asia, Middle East and Latin America. Before joining Merrill Lynch, Mr. Batchvarov worked at Citibank, New York, as a Structured Finance analyst at Moody’s Securitisation team and as a Sovereign Analyst at Moody’s Sovereign Team in New York.
Mr. Batchvarov earned a MSc degree in Economics and International Economic Relations from the National Institute of Economics in Sofia, Bulgaria, a PhD in Economics from the National Academy of Sciences in Sofia, Bulgaria, and an MBA from the University of Alberta Business School, in Edmonton, Canada. He is a CFA Charterholder and a Member of AIMR and NYSSA.
Livio Stracca
Deputy Director General Financial Stability
European Central Bank
Han de Jong
Owner & Chief Economist
Crystal Clear Economics
Mascha Canio
Head of Credit & Insurance Linked Investments
Christian Thun
European DataWarehouse
Rob Koning
Dutch Securitisation Association (DSA)
Rebecca Rosegg
Vice President Securitisation
Victorya Dinekova
Senior Consultant
Deloitte Debt & Capital Advisory
Willem Reddingius
Manager Structured Finance
Kaikobad Kakalia
Chief Investment Officer
Chorus Capital Management
Cristina Morar Triandafil
Banking Supervisor
European Central Bank
Dr. Gaby Trinkaus
Senior Vice President
Moody’s Investors Service
Frank Tanke
Country Director
Martijn van der Molen
Managing Director, Portfolio Management Group
Christofferson Robb & Company
Michael Osswald
Managing Director
STS Verification International
Roberta De Fillipis
Team leader securitisation & covered bonds
European Banking Authority
Andrew South
Managing Director, Head of Structured Finance Research – EMEA S&P...
Frits van der Scheer
Head of Asset Management
Mark Geubbels
Chief Financial & Risk Officer (CFRO) Achmea Bank / Board...
Kay Mennens
Senior Portfolio Manager
APG Asset Management
Véronique Ormezzano
European Financial Regulation Committee
Luke Mellor
Director – Structuring and Modelling
Optio Investment Partners
Boudewijn Thus
Managing Director, Head of Sales EMEA, Funds and Capital Markets...
Guglielmo Panizza
VP European ABS
Morningstar DBRS
Benjamin Bouchet
Senior Director Structured Finance
Scope Ratings
Elwin de Groot
Head of Macro Strategy
Thea Gausel
Senior Associate
Clifford Chance
William Sutton
Clifford Chance
Jan-Joost Leusveld
Head of Debt Capital Markets Secured Debt
Ian Bell
Prime Collateralised Securities
About this conference
Highlights of the conference
- The Securitisation Event is a unique high-quality event that has developed into a highly regarded venue to meet all parties involved in the securitisation market.
- Explore the rise in synthetic securitization deals.
- Learn about the new developments on Sustainable Housing & Green Energy.
- European Green Deal
- Significant Risk Transfer (SRT)
- Sustainable Housing
- Banks and Non-Banks
- Auto ABS
Who will attend?
- Investors
- Issuers
- Lawyers
- Rating agencies
- Consultants
Associate Partner

Gold Partners


- March 25th, 2025
- Barbizon Palace, Amsterdam
- Advisory board
What does the Securitisation Event look like?
Welcome to the 20th edition of the most important Securitisation Event for the Dutch & European Market. The largest international event in the Netherlands where knowledge sharing is key. More than 250 participants come together annually to discuss the game-changing developments in the market.
Why should you attend?
- Hear direct Insights from Key Regulators and Experts such as European Central Bank (ECB), European Banking Authority (EBA), and the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) on the new consultation and latest regulatory changes.
- Dive into discussions about what drives the increasing trend in Synthetic Risk Transfer (SRT), EU taxonomy challenges for green securitisation, EV market & Auto ABS, ABCP Outlook and main Private Securitisation Structures and trends.
- Understand how the main investors look at the growth in the different facets from the market and have a deep dive on the impact of global and local economic and political updates.
- After 15 years, growth is ahead: hear from visionary experts what is on the wishlist for growth for the long term and short-term future
An initiative by Outvie and the Dutch Securitisation Association (DSA), this event has emerged as a revered platform for the structured finance community in the Netherlands. Don’t miss this unique, high-quality gathering that promises unmatched networking and expertise.

Keynote: How are politics shaping the market
Han de Jong- Transactional Trust and Social Capital:
- How do politics affect financial regulation?

Keynote Panel discussion: Navigating Economic Shifts Macro Economy Trends, Risk & Opportunities
Livio Stracca Andrew South Elwin de Groot- How are interest rate changes impacting securitisation?
- What geopolitical risks are influencing the market?

Networking break
Discussion Panel: Regulation & Consultation's Unplugged – Main impacts and Insights from Europe's top regulators on the future of securitisation.
Roberta De Fillipis Véronique Ormezzano- What feedback has been received from the consultation?
- How will new regulations impact the Dutch market?

Discussion Panel: What is driving the growing boom in SRT & Synthetic Securitisation? Main drivers, capital efficiency factors and investor insights
Kaikobad Kakalia Martijn van der Molen Thea Gausel- What is driving the growth of SRT?
- How does SRT affect capital ratios?
- Deep dive into SRT and synthetic securitisation
- A look at success stories.
- A look at investor insights & asset types

Two points of view: Challenges for green securitisation transactions, regulatory changes and critical questions from the market
Mascha Canio- What are the key challenges in aligning with EU green securitisation standards?
- Practical steps for investors to build greener portfolios in a complex regulatory landscape.
- Addressing the challenges of synthetic green securitisation—can synthetics be truly green?
- The EU taxonomy complexity for green securitisation
- How does the Energy Performance Directive impact green securitisation and portfolio alignment?
- Trends in the growth and regulatory compliance of green assets in securitisation markets.

Breakout sessions
3 break-outs1A - From BASEL IV to the DORA act: how are the regulatory updates shaping securitisation: upcoming changes and main impacts
- Main insights into recent regulations that have just taken effect and those slated to come into force soon.
- What are the main effects that these regulatory updates will have on the financial sector now and in the months ahead?

1B - What can go wrong? Understanding the Complexities of Securitisation – Real Risks and Practical Lessons Learned
- Real examples of securitisation issues: bankruptcies, litigation, failed transactions
- Lessons learned from financial losses and risk management strategies
- Structuring process perspectives from issuers, investors, and advisors
- Legal challenges: documentation vs. practical enforcement feasibility
- Trustee role in enforcement with real-life examples
- Contingency planning for unmet investor demand
- Interactive panel with audience Q&A

1C - New Asset Classes in Securitisation: Understanding unconventional markets and latest transactions
- Data Centers in the UK: Growing interest for securitisation, driven by unconventional market players and solar asset consolidation.
- Solar Consolidation in Germany: Increasingly attractive for securitisation, offering new opportunities for investors.

Changeover time
Breakout sessions
3 break-outs2A - Navigating Auto ABS in the Age of EVs: Challenges, Opportunities, and Market Dynamics
- The decline of green focus in EV
- How is the EV market influencing Auto ABS?
- EV trends – What is the future of green assets in the auto industry?
- Asia vs EU market differences
- Discussion around residual value of cars EV vs Traditional and how that affects Securitisation

2B - The evolution of ABCP: Outlook, regulatory developments and changes
- Explore the latest trends shaping the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper (ABCP) market
- Understand the impact of the European Banking Authority (EBA) guidelines on ABCP transactions
- Gain insights into current transaction structures and processes in the ABCP space
- Discuss funding strategies and innovations within the ABCP market
2C - The Role of Liquidity and Securitisation in a Changing Mortgage Market - How are liquidity dynamics transforming the Dutch mortgage market?
- How do recent large transactions, like the €2.7 billion portfolio sale, reflect on liquidity and securitisation trends?
- What role do whole-loan financing, RMBS, and covered bonds play in enhancing liquidity?
- How can securitisation provide strategic solutions for institutional investors managing fluctuating valuations and regulatory pressures?
- What are the implications of regulatory changes like the Wet Toekomst Pensioenen (WTP) for liquidity strategies?

Changeover time & Networking break
Strategic Outlook Panel: After 15 years the growth is ahead: what is on the wishlist for growth for the long term and short-term future? The expert's point of view
Alexander Batchvarov Christian Thun Dr. Gaby Trinkaus- How is the CMU and roadmap towards it transforming the securitisation market?
- What regulatory or market changes are needed to grow securitisation?
Moderator: Dr. Gaby Trinkaus, Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service

Securitisation Awards: Key Insights from The Winners
Rob Koning- How can the market improve based on these lessons?
- Recognizing successes in the securitisation market

Closing by chair
Networking + drinks and bites
De kracht van Outvie is dat zij op een event een specifiek publiek uitnodigen. Wij hebben op het event relevante contacten opgedaan.
Rob Matthijssen
IT Consultant

Onze organisatie heeft reeds twee keer aan de conferentie Opslagtanks event deelgenomen. We kunnen er kwalitatieve persoonlijke contacten leggen en krijgen er interessante feedback over onze leidingmarkering en veiligheidssignalisatie. Een professioneel georganiseerd event!
M. Gijsel
Territory Sales Manager

Artificial intelligence
Leerzaam en waardevol

De wijze waarop de trainer zijn kennis overbracht vond ik uitstekend. Veel werd direct terug gebracht naar de praktijk. Dit en de ervaring van de medecursisten vond ik erg leerzaam. Voor mij dus een waardevolle training!
M. Westerbeek
Servicedesk Manager

Praktijk en theorie komt bij elkaar

De training heb ik als zeer leerzaam en toepasbaar gevonden. Mede dank zij de cursisten en de trainer hebben we het uiterste weten te halen uit een ieder van ons. De stof die behandeld is als mede de gevoerde discussie pas ik al dagelijks toe.
M.E. Bosma
Internet Manager

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Securitisation Event 2024
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