Home RNHB wins the Securitisation Award 2022
RNHB wins the Securitisation Award 2022
RNHB, the Netherlands’ leading real estate lender, today won the annual Securitisation Award.
The Award was presented during the traditional grand finale of the annual Securitisation Event in Amsterdam on 21 April, 2022. The event was attended by investors, issuers, lawyers, ratings agencies, data repositories, and IT professionals involved in the securitisation industry.
“This Award is great recognition for all the hard work which our people have put into making securitisations an integral part of our business and funding strategy over the past five years,” said Richard van Altena, CFO at RNHB. “During those five years we have grown our business to one of the leading non-bank real estate lenders in the Netherlands and delivered ABS investors access to granular Buy-to-Let mortgages as part of our Dutch Property Finance platform. This Award is a great recognition of our achievements in this area” he said. “The award is also recognition of the innovation in our Dutch Property Finance platform after the successful roll out of the carbon offsetting feature in our last two issuances which promote our strong ESG focus as a business.
The Securitisation Award recognizes outstanding achievement, a transaction, initiative or organisation that has made a significant positive contribution to, or impact on, the Dutch securitisation market in 2022. A special independent advisory board, consisting of senior professionals in the securitisation industry, nominated three candidates for this year’s award: RNHB, Athlon and Lloyd’s Bank. After their pitch during the event, which was attended by some 250 industry professionals, RNHB won the award by popular vote during the Securitisation Event, an initiative of Outvie and the Dutch Securitisation Association (DSA).
The Securitisation Award advisory board nominated RNHB for the Securitisation Award because they “have been instrumental in the development of the BTL RMBS segment in the Netherlands. Also, RNHB contributes to the sustainable character of their transactions by applying innovative ways of ESG disclosure,” the board said.
Securitisation is the process in which certain types of assets are pooled so that they can be repackaged into interest-bearing securities. The interest and principal payments from the assets are passed through to the purchasers of the securities.
About Outvie, organiser of the Securitisation Event
As a knowledge and network organization, Outvie (formerly known as IIR) has been offering the most up-to-date professional knowledge for more than 30 years. Our conferences and training courses, which are established independently and through our own market research, offer depth of content, practical solutions and are always interactive. We can provide the foundation for new solutions and (personal) developments in your organisation.
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